Thursday, November 11, 2010

Relax; take it easy.

This stuff makes me feel alive.

This is my baby-doll Stella. She's a chinese-crested powder puff. I promise I didn't make that up. She will do anything for a treat, I promise you. Today I slept in, watched glee, went shopping, drank starbucks, had a piano lesson, bought Jack Johnson's cd To the Sea (and love it) and finally bought Phoenix's cd. I have also embarked on Christmas gifts. This year I am going for a more creative side to things; I am excited. One of my favorite things to do is give things to people and surprise them with something really thoughtful. This year, my goal is to do this in a creative way unique to each person. Christmas gifts can get so stressful when you feel that you need to give everyone something. But this year, if I can't think of a really creative/thoughtful thing for someone, then I probably am not close enough to them to need to give them a gift anyways. :)

First Trimester is finished! More good news from my life:
>>My MRI came back negative!!! Only bad part is they still have no idea why I have been so dizzy and having such bad headaches. However, I am so grateful to my New Hope family for praying for me and checking in. I am so blessed.
>>I was accepted in to Messiah College, with more than a year paid in scholarships. It's decent and we'll see what happens after December 15th.

I am going to visit my favorite 18 year old sister and finally get to see her in college mode. Should be fun. It's been weird without her, but I am so glad I get to spend some time with her! Some of the things I have missed most about living with sisters:
Incessantly quoting movies,
laughing fits,
always a buddy to procrastinate with,
fighting (yeah, I know.)
starbucks/panera dates
making cookies
someone else for mental stability when the rents start making horrible jokes.

More days should be like today. Hope your days were all equally as lovely,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Days Like These

My favorite place. Can't tell you where, but it's magical.

"You wanted rock and roll, complete control Well, I don’t know" My favorite song on the cd.

I love blogs where people have grand aspirations to save the world one bad outfit at a time, or give their snooty opinion about so and so's last book that was a bust, but still hold the author with the highest regard due to his attempts at depicting the antagonist of the story as a strong female lead. I realize these situations never occur. That's cool. Bad example I suppose. Either way. This is not that kind of blog. I have no main purpose with this little project here except maybe to drain the surfeit of useless information swimming around in my head. However, what you do get is my rambles, thoughts, and a quick glimpse into the life that I find worth living. I hope you can at least appreciate that.
Status on things in my life:
>>College applications: First main 4= complete!
>>Brain capacity to sponge up any more information regarding the cell, neuron, nephron, or brain: Limit Exceeded
>>Sleep: Not nearly enough of it
>>Stress: Moderate but nerves are definitely high.
>>Ready for: Tuesday to be over and then after that Wednesday as well.
>>Excited to: Embark on my next challenge. You'll see ;)
>>Praying for: Tuesday and that the outbreak of Cholera in Haiti is over soon.
>>Thankful for: My family, Fall back!, a plan , Claude Debussy for writing the most beautiful music, and some really wonderful people praying for me.

Fall is really the best time of the year. Pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks, an extra hour of sleep, and changing leaves. I love collapsing on the couch and turning on the fire (even if it's electric!) and reading. Hopefully soon I will be able to dig in on the new books I have just bought from B&N. I'm tired of all of this AP nonsense. Here's to enjoyment reading and naps. I will plan my time accordingly, and with that good night. North Carolina, you are officially on the normal cycle of how fall should feel.

Love, blessings, and thankful for this next breath,