This is my baby-doll Stella. She's a chinese-crested powder puff. I promise I didn't make that up. She will do anything for a treat, I promise you. Today I slept in, watched glee, went shopping, drank starbucks, had a piano lesson, bought Jack Johnson's cd To the Sea (and love it) and finally bought Phoenix's cd. I have also embarked on Christmas gifts. This year I am going for a more creative side to things; I am excited. One of my favorite things to do is give things to people and surprise them with something really thoughtful. This year, my goal is to do this in a creative way unique to each person. Christmas gifts can get so stressful when you feel that you need to give everyone something. But this year, if I can't think of a really creative/thoughtful thing for someone, then I probably am not close enough to them to need to give them a gift anyways. :)
First Trimester is finished! More good news from my life:
>>My MRI came back negative!!! Only bad part is they still have no idea why I have been so dizzy and having such bad headaches. However, I am so grateful to my New Hope family for praying for me and checking in. I am so blessed.
>>I was accepted in to Messiah College, with more than a year paid in scholarships. It's decent and we'll see what happens after December 15th.
I am going to visit my favorite 18 year old sister and finally get to see her in college mode. Should be fun. It's been weird without her, but I am so glad I get to spend some time with her! Some of the things I have missed most about living with sisters:
Incessantly quoting movies,
laughing fits,
always a buddy to procrastinate with,
fighting (yeah, I know.)
starbucks/panera dates
making cookies
someone else for mental stability when the rents start making horrible jokes.
More days should be like today. Hope your days were all equally as lovely,